Light And Dark: The Chakotay/Torres Media Archive - THE site for anything Chakotay and Torres related. Story archive, C/T pictures, wallpapers, and much more. Created and maintained by the wonderfully talented Briana Wright.

Persistence of Vision: The Chakotay/Torres Fanlisting - Come join the group! POV is the place to fine other fans interested in the C/T pairing. List of fans, websites, wallpapers, pictures, and "must read" fiction.

chakotaytorres Yahoo! Group - Home of the C/T round robin! A great place to discuss all things Chakotay/Torres related. Associated with Briana Wright's Light and Dark Archive.

Inner Peace - A Chakotay/Torres Fan site created and maintained by Claire Walsh. Check out her fiction, videos, and list of links.

Trek Fiction By John Morales - A collection of stories written by John Morales. "Birthdays & Memories" has been on my list of favorites for a long time. Go read.

The Unofficial Robert Beltran Picture Site: More pictures of Robert Beltran and the characters he portrays then any other site I've visited.

Chakotay Files - Have a question about Chakotay? Chakotay Files is the place to find it. Categories include profile, tribe, wheel, and Maquis. A fun place to browse.

Robert Beltran: The official website for the actor who portrays the character Chakotay.

Roxann Dawson: The official website for the actress who portrays the character B'Elanna Torres. The official Star Trek site, maintained by Paramount and the powers that be.

Trek Nation: A excellent source for Trek related news. Also provides chat columns for all of the five series. Episode reviews, screencaps, cast bios and more for everything Trek related.

Trek Connection: "Your source for Star Trek media, from the Original Series to Enterprise".

Delta Blues: Looking for a Voyager review? Reviewboy has each episode broken down for your enjoyment. A great resource!

Medical Log: Supplemental: "A tribute to Julian Bashir and the 7 years of Deep Space Nine". A beautifully designed webpage. Also a great place to research anything Trek medical related.

Trek BBS: Online forums for all five generations, plus general discussion relating to all things Star Trek.

Janet's Star Trek Voyager Site: Over 10,800 Voyager images. One word... wow.

Linda's Voyager Page: Voyager images arranged by character.