Oct. 28, 2005: Added "Hour of Separation" to the fiction section.

March 2, 2005: (Second Round) Have added two new stories to the fiction section. The first is called "From The Ashes" (C/T). The other is a C/7 fic called "By It's Very Nature".

March 2, 2005: Added "To Err is Human" to the video section.

Feb. 3, 2005: Added "Mighty, Mighty" to the Video Section. Look under "Other".

January 25, 2005: Added a link on the index page to Briana's new fanlisting "Shadow and Soul: The Chakotay and B'Elanna Torres Fanfiction Fanlisting". Extensive additions to the "Artwork" section. There are three new additions to the "C/T" section and two C/7 additions in the "Other Artwork" section.

January 10, 2005: Happy New Year! Added "Not Necessarily Where the Heart Is" and "A Cooperative Effort"(C/7) to the fiction section. Have also updated the fanlisting links on the index page.

November 19, 2004: Added three stories to the fiction section. Two are C/T, the other is a drabble posted to the top of the "other" section. Enjoy!

October 17, 2004: Added "A Tangled Mess"(C/T) and "The Circumstances of Her Death"(C/7) to the fiction section. A special thank you to Briana and Ayesha for beta reading (respectively).

July 19, 2004: Added "The Space Between" to the videos section.

May 4, 2004: Wow. Where has the time gone? Added an older story to the fiction section titled "And Night Shall Grant All Wishes...", previously posted at the C/7 Yahoo! group.

February 10, 2004: Congrats go out to everyone at C/T Yahoo! for their first ever fanzine, which will be titled "Between The Shadow and The Soul" upon production. The title is from a quote by Pablo Neruda. To check it out, visit the Light and Dark Archive. A couple house cleaning notes... Added a new video to the C/T section titled "Surrender". Finished it a few weeks back but haven't had the chance to update lately. Also, I've corrected Claire's URL in the links section and have added the fiction site of John Morales. Congrats to him on his recent story "Good Times, Old and New". Future projects... I owe Jane a video based on "The Andorian Incident" (ENT). The timeline for that is undetermined. Hoping to get back to "Trapped", "The Raising Veil" (a Halloween story), and a little story involving the EMH (currently under several titles "Growing Pains", "The Common Denominator", and "Physician, Heal Thyself). My second daughter is due in about a month and a half so... No promises. Sorry guys.

January 5, 2004: Happy New Year everyone. A new music video "Before And After" has been added to the video section. You'll find it under "Other Videos". It's based on the characters of Tom Paris and Kes, and the relationship they had based on the Voyager episode of the same name. Made at the request of KiraRose, who asked a long, long, long time ago. You'd probably thought I'd forgotten about you, right?

November 21, 2003: Some notes and thoughts added to "Random" based on the Enterprise episode "Dear Doctor".

November 17, 2003: "Extreme Risk" is open for business. After about five site redesigns, this is the final product. No fancy frames. Simple section introductions. Simple divisions. Square. Slightly unimaginative. But hey! I like it. So here it shall stay. I sincerely hope you enjoy it. Updates will be listed on the index page and the specifics will reside here in the "updates" column.

"Dear Doctor" Notes: Moral and ethical dilemmas are not new to Star Trek. Sometimes I get tired of seeing them rehashed. But I have to say I really enjoyed the narrative by Phlox in this particular episode. Phlox, up until this point, has been a fairly neglected character. Bringing him into the spotlight via his letter to Dr. Lucas allowed us to get to know him better. We've never seen him at odds with Archer before, or with anybody else for that matter. I find that I rather like our strange alien doctor. The conversation between Hoshi and Phlox in the mess hall was wonderful icing on the cake.

Was nice to see Archer struggle with his feelings. Sometimes doing the right thing doesn't always make you feel good. A valuable lesson we could all learn in real life. Archer and Phlox both visit this concept in "Dear Doctor". Does Archer withhold the cure or give it away as his heart desires? Does Phlox trust Archer to make the right decision? An excellent exchange between the two in the wee hours of the night and then again in Sickbay...


"You're a doctor. You have a moral obligation to help people who are suffering," Archer points out.

"I'm also a scientist. And I'm obligated to consider the larger issues," Phlox responds.

"I appreciate your perspective on all this. But we're talking about something that might happen... might happen thousands of years from now. They've asked for our help. I am not prepared to walk away, based on a theory." - Archer

"Evolution is more then a theory. It is a fundamental scientific principle. Forgive me for saying so but I believe your compassion for these people is affecting your judgment." - Phlox

"My compassion guides my judgment." - Archer


"Two days ago when we first discovered the alien shuttle, I had no idea that I would be facing a dilemma of this magnitude. For the first time, I find myself in conflict with my Captain. But he is my Captain. And he's placed a great deal of trust in me. I believe I owe him the same. I only hope he's willing to look beyond his sympathy for these poor people," Phlox explains in his recording to Dr. Lucas.

The doors to Sickbay part and Archer walks in looking tired and uncomfortable. "I'm going down to the Velokian hospital."

"Sir. It would go against all my principles if I didn't ask you to reconsider -"

Archer cuts him off. "I have reconsidered, Doctor. I spent the whole night reconsidering. And what I've decided goes against all my principles. Someday, my people are going to come up with some sort of a doctrine. Something that tells us what we can and can't do out here. Should and shouldn't do. But until somebody tells me that they've drafted that... directive, I'm going to have to remind myself everyday that we didn't come out here to play God."


"I'd like to think Dr. Lucas that if I'd had a chance to talk to you face to face, you never would have let me even consider withholding my findings from the Captain. But I'm ashamed to say I almost did just that. If I hadn't trusted him to make the right choice, I would have been no better then the Vulcan diplomats who held your species back because they felt you couldn't make proper decisions. I came very close to misjudging Jonathon Archer. But this incident has helped me gain a new respect for him. Happiness and health to you, Doctor! Your dedicated colleague... Phlox."

Credits: It's only appropriate to give credit where credit is due. Here is a list of the quotes I've used and who originally expressed them:

"The play is the thing..." - Shakespeare.
"...And my imagination will make that moment live." - From the song "A Kiss To Build A Dream On". Bert Kalmar, Harry Ruby and Oscar Hammerstein II.
"All the World's a Stage..." - Shakespeare.
"Silence is the Virtue of Fools." - Sir Francis Bacon.
"Quote me as saying I was mis-quoted." - Groucho Marx.